Judge Dredd

GOP Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has multiple credible accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against him, including the molestation of a 14 year-old girl when he was 32. So, why has the President and the Republican Party endorsed this vile excuse for a human being’s candidacy?

To ensure America’s middle class pay for a tax cut for the top 1%.


Credit: NBC News

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Kill Bill

On September 30, the budget reconciliation process ends. This means the GOP will no longer have the ability to pass an Obamacare repeal and replace plan on only 51 votes (requiring zero Democratic support in Congress). Beginning in October, the Senate will once again require 60 votes to pass similar legislation.

Like Skynet losing the future war, the GOP is preparing to turn the tide by sending one last terminator back in time… in the form of the Graham-Cassidy health care plan.


Credit: Orion Pictures

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