Night of the Creeps

We currently live in a world where the President receives accolades for making such an obvious statement as “Rape is rape.” Let that sink in for a moment. This is not an insult toward POTUS, but a testament to how clearly off the fucking rails the modern-day Republican Party has gone.

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About Last Night

If you are participating in not only your final debate of a general election but the final debate of your career, you want to go out on top. President Barack Obama did just that.

President Obama displayed a comfortable coolness while discussing last night’s main focus of foreign policy, while at times Mitt Romney looked as if he were diffusing a bomb in a Lethal Weapon film.

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Same-Sex and the City

Today saw New York’s 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals strike down the ridiculous Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

The ruling came as a result of a case that is one of the many reasons why same-sex marriage should and needs to be legalized on a national level.

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Harvey Dent

Who does Mitt Romney think he is?  Seriously, who is he?  Is he the ultra conservative presented to us during the primaries?  The conservative moderate during the last debate, or the liberal conservative that participated in an interview with the Des Moines Register earlier this week?

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Once Upon a Time in the West

The big news today was the announcement that the jobless rate has fallen below 8% for the first time in 8 years.

The latest jobs report has U.S. unemployment at 7.8%, the lowest rate since January 2009.

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The dust is clearing from the first 2012 presidential debate, which saw Romney playdough himself into a new champion for the poor.  In the meantime, President Obama was clearly still reeling from this season’s finale of Breaking Bad.

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