The Monster Squad

Earlier this year, Republican strategist Steve Schmidt referred to the CPAC convention as “the Star Wars bar scene of the conservative movement.” If CPAC is the Star Wars cantina, this weekend’s Values Voter Summit may just be the Death Star.

The Values Voter Summit

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The Patriot

As the latest GOP-manufactured crisis continues on without a resolution, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has already set his sights on his next target to use against the American government… the looming debt ceiling

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Revenge of the Sith

Watching the Republicans deflect blame to the Democrats for last week’s government shutdown is like listening to Leatherface claim to be a humanitarian.


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Die Harder

The Republican Party finally accomplished something!  Sure, it may not have been the passing of a new jobs bill or funding for our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, but not every Republican-controlled House can say they shut down the government!

House Speaker John Boehner

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